June 21, 2022 – Toronto: The Zoryan Institute had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Rouben Adalian, the Director of the Armenian National Institute and longtime Zoryan Institute Board Member, about his 1984 interview with Armenian Genocide survivor, Aurora Mardiganian. This testimony from the Zoryan Institute’ Armenian Genocide Oral History Collection was the inspiration behind the newly released animated film, Aurora’s Sunrise.
Dr. Adalian shares the lasting impression that Aurora’s testimony has had on him as an interviewer all those years ago, and the impact that her story will continue to have on future generations by bringing her courageous story to life through animation.
“Aurora was a terrific storyteller, and I sense that she would have welcomed the production, and probably would have wanted to be there on stage to say, “That was me. I went through all of that, and now you know me.” She was open enough and articulate enough to communicate so well that here we are, 100+ years after her experience, talking about Aurora.”
– Dr. Rouben Adalian, Interviewer of 1984 Aurora Mardiganian oral history testimony