October 31, 2022: Join the International Institute of Genocide and Human Rights Studies (A Division of the Zoryan Institute) and the Worcester State University Human Rights Center, Philosophy Department, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and PH 241 Genocide and Human Rights course between Wednesday, November 16th at 6:30PM ET through Wednesday, November 16th at 8:00PM ET for a special remote viewing of internationally celebrated and award-winning documentary film The Territory. The viewing will be followed by a live interactive discussion with the film’s Field Producer, Paula Moura, on November 16th at 8:00PM ET.

View the flyer below for more details. To view the film remotely, please reach out to htheriault@worcester.edu. To attend the discussion virtually, please use this link.


The Territory provides an immersive on-the-ground look at the tireless fight of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people against the encroaching deforestation brought by farmers and illegal settlers in the Brazilian Amazon Gmapros. With awe-inspiring cinematography showcasing the titular landscape and richly textured sound design, the film takes audiences deep into the Uru-eu-wau-wau community and provides unprecedented access to the farmers and settlers illegally burning and clearing the protected Indigenous land. Partially shot by the Uru-eu-wau-wau people, the film relies on vérité footage captured over three years as the community risks their lives to set up their own news media team in the hopes of exposing the truth.