February 28, 2023: The Zoryan Institute is pleased to announce a call for papers for its academic journal, Genocide Studies International (GSI)!
Genocide Studies International CALL FOR PAPERS
28 Feb 2023

Genocide Studies International invites submissions of manuscripts focused on themes of genocide, human rights, crimes against humanity, and related mass atrocities.
This peer-reviewed journal is dedicated to raising knowledge and awareness around these issues by providing a forum for the publication of original papers that take interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to critically analyze genocide and other forms of mass violence. Due to the constantly evolving and complex nature of genocide and related crimes, Genocide Studies International seeks manuscripts from across disciplines that contextualize these issues in relation to conflict, exploitation, colonialism, racism, bigotry, sexism, oppression, and globalization. Manuscripts that explore challenges and prospects for the long-term prevention of genocide, as well as those that focus on global and regional threats to human security, especially as they relate to genocide, are also welcome.
The journal publishes twice a year, with one issue dedicated to general submissions, and another to a special theme. Advanced Access will be available for the journal as of March 2023. This will allow your paper to be published online as soon as it is reviewed and copyedited, in advance of the full issue’s release.
Manuscript Submission Process
All submissions, reviews, and editorial work is done through our online peer review management system. Submissions will only be accepted electronically as a Microsoft Word document. Please do not submit PDFs or locked documents.
If you are a new contributor to the journal or have contributed to the journal by submitting your article directly to the editor in the past, please visit https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/utp_gsi and select “Create an Account” to create a new account.
Authors may wish to view Genocide Studies International’s submission guidelines.
All other inquiries can be directed to Megan Reid at gsi@genocidestudies.org.