Issue 22.1 of the Zoryan Institute’s Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies is now available online!
About the Issue:
On July 9, 2011, South Sudan officially seceded from Sudan as the result of a peace deal that sought to end 60 years of conflict over the south’s marginalization, victimization, and underdevelopment. The long history of conflict in South Sudan, both pre- and post-independence, has resulted in displaced, refugee, and diaspora South Sudanese populations across the Horn of Africa and worldwide. By exploring different migrant pathways, connections, and experiences across the South Sudanese diaspora, and centring South Sudanese people’s own theories of citizenship and political change, this special issue of Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies aims to challenge hegemonic understandings of citizenship, and demonstrate how taking a translocal and diasporic view of political theory on citizenship presents new theoretical and intellectual possibilities in the fields of migration, diaspora, and citizenship studies.
Introduction – Building Political Community beyond the Nation-State: Theory and Practice from the South Sudanese Diaspora by Mohamed A. G. Bakhit and Nicki Kindersley
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Brothers, Arrivals, Refugees. South Sudanese as Subjects of Naming and Reporting Practices in Sudan’s Humanitarian Sector by Enrico Ille
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Refugee Welfare Councils as Spaces of Local Citizenship Production: The Case of Adjumani District, Uganda by Sara de Simone
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Don’t Call Me a Foreigner: Place Making in Khartoum and Juba between 2006–2018 by Ulrike Schultz
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South Sudanese Refugees in Sudan: A Transition toward a Diaspora Community by Mohamed A. G. Bakhit
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“He Cannot Marry Her”: Excluding the Living and Including the Dead in South Sudanese Citizenship in Sudan by Naomi Ruth Pendle and Machar Diu Gatket
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Dodgy Paperwork and Theories of Citizenship on the Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan Borders by Nicki Kindersley
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Perceptions about Dual Citizenship and Diaspora Participation in Political, Economic, and Social Life in South Sudan by Gabriel Kiir Amoui and Freddie Carver
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To read the full 22.1 issue of Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, please visit this page.
More about Diaspora:
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies captures a world where borders are transgressed and elastic, boundaries are fractured and permeable, and identities are increasingly fluid and adaptable. The establishment of this journal in 1991 by the Zoryan Institute was a seminal moment in marking what has become the field of Diaspora Studies.
The journal continues to be a leading voice in the field, continuously rethinking mobility, mobilization, and transnationalism, and reorienting traditional accounts of home, homeland, host state and diaspora in this ever-changing world. As an interdisciplinary journal, Diaspora welcomes the contributions of scholars from across the social sciences and humanities who share these intellectual concerns. Learn more about the history of the Diaspora journal and its continuing contribution to the field.
Diaspora is sponsored, owned and operated by the Zoryan Institute, and published twice a year by the University of Toronto Press.
How to Subscribe to Diaspora:
Individual online subscriptions provide access to all online content for one year from the purchase date. Individual articles may also be purchased by navigating to the article’s full-text page and selecting a single article access option.
How to Submit to Diaspora:
Diaspora welcomes articles on all aspects of the topics with which it is concerned: diaspora and related forms of dispersion, transnationalism, nationalism, ethnicity, globalization, and postcoloniality. Reference the submission guidelines here.